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Number of people with the title of: Learning 12
Maximum Salary:$ 61,753.92
Average Salary:$ 41,919.15
Minimum Salary:$ 29,893.44

2019 Ohio State University SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Avila-Medina, Ferdinand Newark Campus Newark - Cost Shared Learning Specialist $ 61,753.92 $ 29.69
Conkey, Patricia M Ofc of Health Sciences Nisonger Center Learning Disabilities Spclst $ 37,627.20 $ 18.09
DeMali, Heather M. Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 40,726.40 $ 19.58
Howard, Megan C. Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 43,347.20 $ 20.84
Leslie, Ashlee Beau Ofc of Health Sciences Nisonger Center Learning Disabilities Spclst $ 41,329.60 $ 19.87
McClendon, Kiara I Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 40,726.40 $ 19.58
McGregor, Michelle E Mansfield Campus Mansfield Campus Learning Disabilities Spclst $ 43,950.40 $ 21.13
Meyer, Karen Marie Lima Campus Lima Campus Learning Disabilities Spclst $ 29,893.44 $ 9.44
Parminter, Tyler Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 40,976.00 $ 19.70
Reo, Edina Marie Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 41,912.00 $ 20.15
Rowe, Samuel Robert Coll of Education & Human Ecol EHE Educational Studies Learning Specialist $ 40,768.00 $ 19.60
White, Matthew E Office of Academic Affairs Student Athlete Support Srvs Learning Specialist $ 40,019.20 $ 19.24
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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