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2018 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Shearer, Scott Allan Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Chair $ 210,340.32 $ 36.92
Sastry, Sudhir K Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 196,310.04 $ 3.17
Mancl, Karen Marie Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 145,654.08 $ 205.70
Ozkan, Erdal Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 145,053.84 $ 91.83
Brown, Larry Curtis Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 138,939.96 $ 32.05
Fulton, John P Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Associate Professor $ 131,025.48 $ 28.09
Coleman, LaShanda C Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Academic Program Coordinator $ 121,721.60 $ 23.36
Zhao, Lingying Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 112,616.88 $ 52.60
Kaletunc, Gonul Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 105,777.84 $ 58.05
Soboyejo, Alfred B O Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 105,548.76 $ 147.40
Chen, Qian Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Associate Professor $ 98,743.68 $ 42.25
Fowler, James Edward Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Administrative Associate 1 $ 97,344.00 $ 30.40
Kalcic, Margaret M Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Assistant Professor $ 96,462.24 $ 23.35
Brooker, Michael Robert Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Post Doctoral Researcher $ 83,200.00 $ 25.00
Ware, W Mac Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 81,750.96 $ 25.58
Mann, Andrew Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 80,004.00 $ 53.67
Rowan, Mike A Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 78,312.00 $ 33.58
Suchy, Jeffery Thomas Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 76,848.84 $ 50.45
Samaranayake, Chaminda P. Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Post Doctoral Researcher $ 74,360.00 $ 15.61
Cornell, Rachel Lynn Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Fiscal Officer $ 70,636.80 $ 40.71
Schafer, Don Wallace Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 70,220.80 $ 36.35
Winston, Ryan J Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Assistant Professor $ 68,602.80 $ 35.77
Heskitt, Brian Floyd Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Research Associate 2-Engineer $ 67,621.44 $ 48.65
Martin, Jay Franklin Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Professor $ 66,560.00 $ 68.18
Gorzitze, Andrea B Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Grants & Contracts Spl-Senior $ 62,627.40 $ 26.31
Gecik, Christopher Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Design Engineer $ 61,523.04 $ 47.00
Khanal, Sami Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Assistant Professor $ 59,862.40 $ 43.85
Dorsey, Jay D. Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Research Scientist $ 59,238.40 $ 30.60
Klopfenstein, Andrew Alvin Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Senior Research Assoc-Engineer $ 58,905.60 $ 39.74
Sutton, Philip Charles Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science Food Agr & Biological Engr Lecturer $ 58,739.20 $ 38.46
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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