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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Glassman, Andrew H College of Medicine Orthopaedics Chair $ 477,000.12 $ 117.79
Fields, Henry William College of Dentistry Orthodontics Professor $ 292,946.76 $ 140.84
Deguchi, Toru College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 160,665.60 $ 77.24
Manring, Maurice Mirrell College of Medicine Orthopaedics Associate Director-Publicatns $ 151,713.96 $ 72.94
Sun, Zongyang College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 133,795.44 $ 64.32
Kim, DoGyoon College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 108,199.56 $ 52.02
Shirzad, Afshin College of Medicine Orthopaedics Senior Systems Consultant $ 102,656.64 $ 49.35
Litsky, Alan S College of Medicine Orthopaedics Associate Professor $ 91,804.56 $ 44.18
Wagg, Elizabeth Sheridan College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Research Manager $ 81,523.68 $ 39.19
Panzo, Julia A College of Medicine Orthopaedics Program Manager $ 79,100.64 $ 38.03
Coleman, Cynthia Laverne College of Dentistry Orthodontics Clinic Manager $ 74,597.04 $ 35.86
Harrison, Ryan Kristopher College of Medicine Orthopaedics Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 70,450.08 $ 169.01
Firestone, Allen R College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 70,137.96 $ 33.72
Kaeding, Christopher Carl College of Medicine Orthopaedics Professor-Clinical $ 67,631.04 $ 32.51
Magnussen, Robert Andrew College of Medicine Orthopaedics Associate Professor $ 66,500.04 $ 184.13
Holdren, Carol Lee College of Dentistry Orthodontics Clinical Coordinator $ 66,123.20 $ 31.79
Rueda, Steven College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 61,398.00 $ 29.52
Hamilton, Ryan S College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Kuzma, Scott A College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Ryu, Robert College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Kanawade, Vaibhav Annasaheb College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Smith, Scott A College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Beals, Corey Tapscott College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 60,887.04 $ 29.27
Rodriguez, James Brian College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Technician 3 $ 60,382.40 $ 29.03
Lavender, Steven A College of Medicine Orthopaedics Associate Professor $ 59,622.24 $ 28.66
Mayerson, Joel L College of Medicine Orthopaedics Professor-Clinical $ 59,406.60 $ 218.36
Alexander, John Howard College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Hamilton, Christopher Eric College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Everhart, Joshua Scott College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Campbell, Andrew Benjamin College of Medicine Orthopaedics Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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