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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Ball, Michelle Lynn Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Director-A4 $ 105,165.36 $ 50.56
Lukacsko, Amanda Michelle Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Senior Project Manager $ 85,008.00 $ 40.87
Wintringham, Kimberly Lynne Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Project Manager $ 76,794.24 $ 36.92
Rice, John David Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Tv Producer $ 69,194.40 $ 33.27
Owens, Eric P Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Web Communications Specialist $ 68,865.00 $ 33.11
Knebusch, Kurt Robert Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Technical Editor $ 67,174.92 $ 32.30
Chamberlain, Kenneth Dale Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Publications Photographer $ 66,506.04 $ 31.97
Moser, Mitchell Don Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Program Manager $ 63,495.12 $ 30.53
Brown, Kimberly C Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Senior Graphic Designer $ 62,739.24 $ 30.16
Whaley, Sherrie R Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Technical Editor $ 61,832.04 $ 29.73
Robinson, Tracy Lynne Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Technical Editor $ 60,519.84 $ 29.10
Bonnell, Greg S Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Senior Graphic Designer $ 60,000.00 $ 28.85
Zamichow, Bert Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Web Communications Specialist $ 58,731.72 $ 28.24
Evans, Zachary Scott Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Web Communications Specialist $ 58,158.84 $ 27.96
Warkus, Walter M Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Tv Producer $ 57,867.24 $ 27.82
Gates, Heather M. Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Technical Editor $ 50,814.40 $ 24.43
Scranton, Bonnie G. Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Program Coordinator $ 50,796.12 $ 24.42
DeMartini, Alayna Jean Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Technical Editor $ 50,047.20 $ 24.06
Martin, April A. Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Office Associate $ 46,716.80 $ 22.46
Dailey, Morgan Mary Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Fiscal Associate $ 45,448.00 $ 21.85
Olvis, Christopher A Coll of Food Agr Envir Science FAES Communications Graphic Designer $ 43,888.00 $ 21.10
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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