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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
White, Richard Donald Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 375,000.00 $ 180.29
Bourekas, Eric C Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 312,344.04 $ 150.17
Spain, James W Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 310,400.04 $ 149.23
Rikabi, Ali Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 308,438.04 $ 148.29
Kalnin, Andrew J. Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 303,200.04 $ 145.77
Khabiri, Hooman Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 297,860.04 $ 143.20
Dittmar, Kristin Marie Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 284,880.00 $ 136.96
Barker, Samantha Jane Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 283,400.04 $ 136.25
Payne, Jason Edward Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 282,788.04 $ 135.96
Bennett, William F. Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 282,721.92 $ 135.92
Slone, Hasel Wayne Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 278,747.04 $ 134.01
Rogers, Alan David Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 277,788.00 $ 133.55
Nagar, Arpit M Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 271,160.04 $ 130.37
King, Mark Alan Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 269,364.00 $ 129.50
Dardani, Marcella Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 266,363.04 $ 128.06
Elliott, Eric D Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 262,553.04 $ 126.23
Natwa, Mona Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 251,188.08 $ 120.76
Fetko, C Nicholas Nicholas Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 250,270.08 $ 120.32
Khayat, Mamdouh Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 234,543.00 $ 112.76
Cureton, Beth Ann Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 234,543.00 $ 112.76
Nguyen, Xuan V Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 233,200.08 $ 112.12
Bhavnagri, Sharukh Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 233,200.08 $ 112.12
Kerger, Amy Lynn Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 224,820.12 $ 108.09
Lipari, Adele Marie Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 224,452.08 $ 107.91
Hawley, Jeffrey Robert Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 223,920.00 $ 107.65
Boulter, Daniel Jeffrey Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 221,200.08 $ 106.35
Lenobel, Scott S Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 221,200.08 $ 106.35
Shujaat, Mohammad Taimur Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 221,200.08 $ 106.35
Davis, Christopher Scott Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 218,200.08 $ 104.90
Fritz, Joel M Health Sciences FGP FGP-Radiology Physician $ 217,418.04 $ 104.53
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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