List of all Titles

Number of people with the title of: Counselor 2 2
Maximum Salary:$ 53,457.36
Average Salary:$ 53,228.70
Minimum Salary:$ 53,000.04

2019 Ohio State University SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Belanger, Jacqueline Coll of Food Agr Envir Science ATI - Academic Affairs Counselor 2 $ 53,457.36 $ 25.70
Thomas, Ellen Margrethe Marion Campus Marion Campus Counselor 2 $ 53,000.04 $ 25.48
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Garnett, Doris L Dietetic Technician ENGINEER
Reeb, Brent J. Radiation Physicist CFAES VP Operating
Hobbs-Stepp, Kellie Denise Technical Laboratory Manager Arts Science Business Tech
Traini, Senior Director of Development Arts Initiatives
Cochran, Miranda Leesette Coordinator-College Commun Art

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