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Number of people with the title of: Assoc Vp Student Life 2
Maximum Salary:$ 219,841.32
Average Salary:$ 191,570.88
Minimum Salary:$ 163,300.44

2019 Ohio State University SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Calhoun, Molly Ranz Ofc of Student Life Facilities Management Assoc Vp Student Life $ 163,300.44 $ 78.51
Metzelaars, Gretchen Jane Ofc of Student Life Hsg DS OUSA AVP Admin Assoc Vp Student Life $ 219,841.32 $ 105.69
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Kaffenberger, Jessica Amie HLD EHE Department Administration
Williamson, Janelle Renee Senior Lecturer Radiation Oncology
Kennedy, Elizabeth Marie Executive Director-I U C Purchasing
Krehnovi, Vet Care Tch-Speciality Care Undergraduate Dean
Waugh, Jessica N Coord-Nutr Support Svc-PICC Nr SL Stu Adv Ins
Weisleder, Pedro WMC-Business Manager 2 Student Leadership Initiatives
Mohtashami, Hamid Reza Executive Director-Ohio Train Schottenstein Hourly

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