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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Kaffenberger, Jessica Amie College of Medicine Internal Medicine Associate Professor-Clinical $ 47,282.52 $ 137.42
Kaffenberger, Jessica Amie Health Sciences FGP FGP-Internal Medicine Physician $ 285,843.00 $ 137.42
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Kennedy, Elizabeth Marie Senior Lecturer Pediatric Dentistry
Krehnovi, Executive Director-I U C EHE Department Administration
Waugh, Jessica N Vet Care Tch-Speciality Care Radiation Oncology
Weisleder, Pedro Coord-Nutr Support Svc-PICC Nr Purchasing
Mohtashami, Hamid Reza WMC-Business Manager 2 Undergraduate Dean
Agatisa-Boyle, Brendan Executive Director-Ohio Train SL Stu Adv Ins
Holderbaum, Andrea Michelle Executive Secretary Student Leadership Initiatives
LaPalombara, Clinical Electronics Tech Schottenstein Hourly

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