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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Lee, Cheryl T College of Medicine Urology Chair $ 271,475.04 $ 186.90
Slaper, Michael R College of Medicine Urology Administrator-Medical Center $ 110,700.00 $ 53.22
Knudsen, Bodo Egon College of Medicine Urology Associate Professor $ 110,545.08 $ 155.40
Sharp, David Scott College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 89,952.36 $ 147.40
Bahnson, Robert R College of Medicine Urology Professor $ 88,694.76 $ 42.64
Pohar, Kamal S. College of Medicine Urology Associate Professor $ 69,010.44 $ 142.09
Evans, Tina Marie College of Medicine Urology Licensed Pract Nurse-Pharmclgy $ 63,398.40 $ 30.48
Ebert, Kristin Maureen College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Ebel, Joshua Joseph College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Wan, Joseph Chia-En College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 59,046.00 $ 28.39
Posid, Tasha College of Medicine Urology Instructor $ 59,000.04 $ 28.37
Baradaran, Nima College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor $ 57,920.04 $ 111.38
Cooper, John L College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 57,201.96 $ 27.50
Jaeger, Christopher D College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 57,201.96 $ 27.50
Szabo, Daniel College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 57,201.96 $ 27.50
Kominsky, Hal David College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 55,305.96 $ 26.59
Payne, James Arthur College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 55,305.96 $ 26.59
Chaparala, Hemant College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 55,305.96 $ 26.59
Garcia, Katie R College of Medicine Urology Program Manager $ 54,802.92 $ 26.35
Ingram, Amanda Rae College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 53,592.00 $ 25.77
Saluk, Jennifer L College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 53,592.00 $ 25.77
Stillings, Stephanie Anne College of Medicine Urology Clinical Inst HS $ 53,592.00 $ 25.77
Bellows, Fara M College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 53,320.68 $ 112.09
Sundi, Debasish College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor $ 51,650.04 $ 107.88
Shabsigh, Ahmad College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 51,561.60 $ 147.40
Box, Geoffrey Neal College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 51,561.60 $ 147.40
Gold, Kay Annette College of Medicine Urology Office Admin Associate $ 50,003.20 $ 24.04
Sourial, Michael Wadih College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 43,440.00 $ 118.35
Jenkins, Lawrence C College of Medicine Urology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 41,820.00 $ 108.17
Teaford, Laura C College of Medicine Urology Office Associate $ 33,280.00 $ 16.00
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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