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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Mariotti, Angelo John College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor $ 227,940.96 $ 109.59
Tatakis, Dimitris Nikolaos College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor $ 177,769.32 $ 85.47
Walters, John Douglas College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor $ 167,852.64 $ 80.70
Leblebicioglu, Binnaz College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor $ 135,202.80 $ 65.00
Kumar, Purnima College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor $ 134,437.32 $ 64.63
Chien, Hua-Hong Ben College of Dentistry Periodontology Professor-Clinical $ 128,134.68 $ 61.60
Wang, Yun College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 103,545.24 $ 49.78
Spunt, Jean B College of Dentistry Periodontology Dental Hygienist $ 72,259.20 $ 34.74
Dabdoub, Shareef Majed College of Dentistry Periodontology Research Assistant Professor $ 62,484.96 $ 30.04
Hallberg-Henson, Linda A College of Dentistry Periodontology Office Admin Associate $ 55,931.20 $ 26.89
Joshi, Vinayak Mahableshwar College of Dentistry Periodontology Post Doctoral Researcher $ 55,000.08 $ 26.44
Hooper, Deborah Anne College of Dentistry Periodontology Information Associate $ 46,259.20 $ 22.24
McCallister, Laura E College of Dentistry Periodontology Information Associate $ 38,750.40 $ 18.63
Messick, David James College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 38,484.60 $ 18.50
Smith, Courtney Dawn College of Dentistry Periodontology Information Associate $ 36,504.00 $ 17.55
Sachs, Joan C College of Dentistry Periodontology Information Associate $ 36,358.40 $ 17.48
Saraswat, Shweta College of Dentistry Periodontology Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 34,944.00 $ 16.80
Romine, Chanthanom College of Dentistry Periodontology Dental Assistant $ 33,800.00 $ 16.25
Howard, Lisa Irene College of Dentistry Periodontology Dental Assistant $ 33,592.00 $ 16.15
Claman, Lewis Joel College of Dentistry Periodontology Retiree-Faculty Emeritus $ 33,094.44 $ 15.91
Coffelt, Timothy Brian College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 5,021.76 $ 2.41
Alger, Fred Anthony College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 4,561.20 $ 2.19
Rotenberg, Shaun Avrum College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,810.12 $ 1.83
Hamal, Rupa College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,753.00 $ 1.80
Gordon, Ross I College of Dentistry Periodontology Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,750.00 $ 1.80
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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