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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Fields, Henry William College of Dentistry Orthodontics Professor $ 292,946.76 $ 140.84
Deguchi, Toru College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 160,665.60 $ 77.24
Sun, Zongyang College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 133,795.44 $ 64.32
Kim, DoGyoon College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 108,199.56 $ 52.02
Coleman, Cynthia Laverne College of Dentistry Orthodontics Clinic Manager $ 74,597.04 $ 35.86
Firestone, Allen R College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor $ 70,137.96 $ 33.72
Holdren, Carol Lee College of Dentistry Orthodontics Clinical Coordinator $ 66,123.20 $ 31.79
Rodriguez, James Brian College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Technician 3 $ 60,382.40 $ 29.03
Hallum, Pamela S College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant-Senior $ 54,704.00 $ 26.30
Burke, Judith Ann College of Dentistry Orthodontics Office Admin Associate $ 48,443.20 $ 23.29
Watanabe, Keiichiro College of Dentistry Orthodontics Post Doctoral Researcher $ 39,998.40 $ 19.23
Hannigan, Denise M College of Dentistry Orthodontics Information Associate $ 33,238.40 $ 15.98
Smith, Jessica Anne College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 32,302.40 $ 15.53
Dennison, Victoria Sue College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 30,409.60 $ 14.62
Bryant, Sadea Lynnette College of Dentistry Orthodontics Information Associate $ 30,160.00 $ 14.50
Taylor, Sierra College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 30,160.00 $ 14.50
Staples, C Sue College of Dentistry Orthodontics Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 29,681.60 $ 14.27
Smith, Courtney Lace College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 29,598.40 $ 14.23
Mesa, Nayarith College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 29,577.60 $ 14.22
Shweiki, Feda A College of Dentistry Orthodontics Dental Assistant $ 29,120.00 $ 14.00
Shanker, Shiva V. College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor - Practice $ 26,560.56 $ 12.77
Walters, Ann College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 11,947.56 $ 5.74
Karpac, James Richard College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 7,666.32 $ 3.69
Wade, Andrew Brookins College of Dentistry Orthodontics Associate Professor - Practice $ 5,134.56 $ 2.47
Gusching, Alan Charles College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 4,520.76 $ 2.17
Pierce, Mark David College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 4,188.96 $ 2.01
Tetz, James Alan College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 4,008.00 $ 1.93
Johnson, Dennis Lynn College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,833.16 $ 1.84
Hutta, Joseph Lawrence College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,833.16 $ 1.84
Underwood, Kent Marshall College of Dentistry Orthodontics Assistant Professor - Practice $ 3,833.16 $ 1.84
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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