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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Iannucci, Joen M College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Professor-Clinical $ 141,705.24 $ 68.13
Kearney, Rachel Cline College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Associate Professor $ 93,009.96 $ 44.72
Gardner, Patricia Huckabee College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Assist Director-Academic Stud $ 74,202.96 $ 35.67
Kissell, Denise A College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 68,355.00 $ 32.86
Henderson, Rebecca P College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 67,208.04 $ 32.31
Partido, Brian B. College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Assistant Professor $ 64,930.44 $ 31.22
Wright, Bridget Marie College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Dental Hygienist $ 53,509.44 $ 25.73
Schreier, Brittney Leanne College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Dental Hygienist $ 51,883.08 $ 24.94
Williams, Kellie Sellers College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Dental Hygienist $ 49,694.40 $ 23.89
Bauchmoyer, Susan Marie College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Retiree-Faculty Emeritus $ 48,916.32 $ 23.52
Daugherty-Wood, Heather Nichole College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Dental Hygienist $ 48,672.36 $ 23.40
Lovell, Julie A College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Office Associate $ 38,625.60 $ 18.57
Mobley, Alexandra Lauren College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Office Admin Associate $ 35,360.00 $ 17.00
Messina, Denise Marie College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Assistant Professor - Practice $ 24,360.00 $ 11.71
Webb, Chadleo Allan College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Instructor - Practice $ 23,877.00 $ 11.48
Slusher, Chelsea Nicole College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Instructor - Practice $ 7,500.00 $ 3.61
Patel, Shivani P College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Instructor - Practice $ 4,453.92 $ 2.14
Shah, Amy Molnar College of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Lecturer $ 2,850.00 $ 1.37
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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