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2018 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Jackson-Smith, Douglas B Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Professor $ 136,509.24 $ 31.25
Inwood, Shoshanah M. Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Assistant Professor $ 82,512.24 $ 29.88
Chaganti, Vijaya Satya Nagendra Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Post Doctoral Researcher $ 60,673.60 $ 19.92
Hudgins, Deana M Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Research Associate 2-B/H $ 55,360.32 $ 73.37
Brock, Caroline C Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Senior Research Assoc-Social $ 52,790.40 $ 26.45
Morris, Katlyn S Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Project Coordinator $ 46,300.80 $ 26.45
Sprunger, Christine D Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Assistant Professor $ 38,376.00 $ 34.62
Culman, Steven William Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Assistant Professor $ 33,529.60 $ 38.06
Herman, Bethany Lynn Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 31,824.00 $ 73.32
Weeks, Jennifer A Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Fiscal Associate $ 28,100.80 $ 19.33
Hoekstra, Nicole Corrine Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Research Associate 1-B/H $ 25,875.20 $ 18.78
Zhao, Kaiguang Coll of FoodAgrEnvir Science OARDC-Environ & Natural Res Assistant Professor $ 24,960.00 $ 37.62
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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