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Number of people with the title of: IRB protocol analyst 13
Maximum Salary:$ 56,677.92
Average Salary:$ 51,046.68
Minimum Salary:$ 47,500.08

2019 Ohio State University SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Batte, Kara Elizabeth Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 49,344.00 $ 23.72
Buescher, Jessica Lynn Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 50,372.16 $ 24.22
Carter, Matthew Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 54,020.16 $ 25.97
Dent, Anthony Paul Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 47,500.08 $ 22.84
Dickens, Brandie Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 51,032.88 $ 24.54
Hersch, Sarah Beth Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 56,677.92 $ 27.25
Hettler, Nicola P Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 50,000.04 $ 24.04
Liersemann, Ryan Richard Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 53,705.60 $ 25.82
Mayercin-Johnson, Jessica Marie Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 52,961.40 $ 25.46
Phalan, Jerrell D Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 48,806.04 $ 23.46
Phillips, Brett Alan Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 50,093.04 $ 24.08
Seddon, Aaron Richard Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 49,547.52 $ 23.82
Thomas, Kirsten Rae Office of Academic Affairs Responsible Research Practices IRB Protocol Analyst $ 49,545.96 $ 23.82
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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