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Number of people with the title of Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 27
Maximum Salary:$ 97,837.99
Average Salary:$ 63,261.97
Minimum Salary:$ 22,218.02

2012 Ohio State University SalariesPage 1 of 1
Name Department Title Hourly Over Time Gross Wage
SMITH, JAMES A Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 97,837.99
HIGHT, TANGYE M Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.97 $ 2,634.42 $ 71,749.81
RESSLEY, CHARLES W Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.51 $ 2,888.37 $ 71,706.21
TURNER, LLOYD E Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.32 $ 584.67 $ 71,098.38
TAYLOR, ROBERT S Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.32 $ 442.62 $ 70,742.66
MCCLAIN, CLARENCE Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 352.19 $ 70,597.20
NNACHETAM, EDITH N Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.97 $ 0.00 $ 69,124.79
ZILLNER, EDGAR Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.32 $ 498.37 $ 68,662.19
COLLOPY, RUTH A Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 68,564.30
GEESE, BRUCE W Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 68,545.70
KIESSLING, MARY L Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 68,446.45
GRIMM, TRACY C Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 68,103.10
REAMENSNYDER, MICHELE Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.20 $ 0.00 $ 67,578.71
WALKER, JACQUELINE D Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 67,504.35
BLANTON, ROBERT L Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.97 $ 0.00 $ 67,145.12
IMBODEN, LANNY R Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 67,065.28
SEVERN, JOHN J Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.51 $ 270.36 $ 66,771.28
LOELOFF, ROBERT T Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 30.94 $ 0.00 $ 66,259.36
DRAKE, REVONNE Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.43 $ 0.00 $ 65,320.20
SMOOT, CURTIS L Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 27.26 $ 3,764.99 $ 60,460.47
KAY, JOSEPH J Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.74 $ 0.00 $ 58,886.75
MILLER, ERIC G Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 27.03 $ 223.00 $ 57,028.47
BOSTICK, MARK W Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 27.72 $ 2,764.32 $ 56,295.24
BERMUDEZ, JOHNNY Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 26.34 $ 64.80 $ 53,144.29
STEGEMOLLER, ROBERT J Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 32.32 $ 0.00 $ 43,820.77
RUFFIN, ANTHONY K Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 31.86 $ 382.32 $ 23,396.07
HAMMOND, ROBERT D Rehabilitation and Corrections Correctional Food Srvc Mgr 2 $ 26.80 $ 0.00 $ 22,218.02

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