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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Weimer, Justin Tyler Office of Academic Affairs University Registrar Administrative Associate 2 $ 60,129.48 $ 28.91
Weimer, Maryn College of Engineering Engineering Rsch Operations Senior Associate Director $ 66,978.00 $ 38.64
Weimer, Maryn College of Engineering Engineering Administration Director-00 $ 80,376.00 $ 38.64
Weimer, Nicholas Edward OSU Medical Center Shared Services Financial Acct Analyst-Med Ctr $ 64,260.00 $ 30.89
Weimer, Robin Renee Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OARDC Food Animal Health Fiscal Officer $ 57,807.72 $ 27.79
Weimerskirch, Jackie D OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Clinic Nurse-A $ 88,441.60 $ 42.52
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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