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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Gupta, Abhishek College of Engineering Electrical & Computer Engr. Assistant Professor $ 96,324.00 $ 46.31
Gupta, Anirudh College of Medicine Neurology Clinical Inst HS $ 55,305.96 $ 26.59
Gupta, Inder Jeet College of Engineering Electrical & Computer Engr. Retiree-Faculty Emeritus $ 151,296.00 $ 72.74
Gupta, Jay A Arts and Sciences Physics Associate Professor $ 107,004.00 $ 51.44
Gupta, Lakshmi OSU Medical Center Shared Services WMC-Senior Systems Consultant $ 91,392.00 $ 43.94
Gupta, Nilendu College of Medicine Radiation Oncology Associate Professor-Clinical $ 254,681.28 $ 122.44
Gupta, Uma College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor - Practice $ 25,825.56 $ 12.42
Gupta, Vikash College of Medicine Radiology Research Scientist $ 114,954.24 $ 55.27
Gupta Basuray, Rakhi College of Medicine Pediatrics Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 20,033.88 $ 9.63
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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