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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Browning, Brandi College of Dentistry Dentistry General Operations Dental Assistant-Senior $ 38,771.20 $ 18.64
Browning, Christopher R Arts and Sciences Sociology Professor $ 180,504.00 $ 86.78
Browning, Janis Reichert Office of Academic Affairs University Outreach Program Coordinator $ 61,998.96 $ 29.81
Browning, Jason R Athletics Athletics Coordinator-Special Events $ 42,244.80 $ 20.31
Browning, Jennifer Sue OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Nursing-A5 $ 121,824.00 $ 58.57
Browning, Kristine Kihm College of Nursing College of Nursing Associate Professor-Clinical $ 90,384.00 $ 10.20
Browning, Kristine Kihm OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Nursing-A5 $ 21,216.00 $ 10.20
Browning, Selena Marie University Advancement University Development Program Manager $ 65,000.04 $ 31.25
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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