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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Wood, Albert T Athletics Athletics Recreation Facility Attendant $ 19,864.00 $ 9.80
Wood, Albert T Athletics Athletics Special Events Assistant 2 $ 19,864.00 $ 9.55
Wood, Cynthia Anne Mansfield Campus Mansfield Campus Director of Development $ 74,277.60 $ 35.71
Wood, David Webster College of Engineering Chemical & Biomolecular Eng Professor $ 132,144.00 $ 63.53
Wood, Donald Clifford OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Custodial Worker 2 $ 24,398.40 $ 11.73
Wood, Douglas A. Senior VP Admin & Planning Special Duty Auxiliary Law Enforcement Ofcr $ 106,080.00 $ 51.00
Wood, Dwayne Allen OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Respiratory/Pulmonary Spclst $ 64,708.80 $ 31.11
Wood, Dwight Scott OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Respiratory/Pulmonary Spclst $ 65,187.20 $ 31.34
Wood, Gloria A Ofc of Business and Finance Operations Administration Executive Assistant $ 81,612.00 $ 39.24
Wood, Jacob Mosher University Advancement University Development Director of Development $ 70,000.08 $ 33.65
Wood, James M Athletics Athletics Athletic Compliance Officer $ 51,156.00 $ 24.59
Wood, Jessica Anne College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy Program Coordinator $ 45,884.80 $ 22.06
Wood, Joel Christopher College of Medicine Family Medicine Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 26,554.44 $ 93.24
Wood, Joel Christopher Health Sciences FGP FGP-Family Medicine Physician $ 193,945.56 $ 93.24
Wood, Johnnie Earl Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OSUE Farm Science Review Auxiliary Law Enforcement Ofcr $ 81,120.00 $ 39.00
Wood, Jordan T Ofc of Student Life Stu Life Environmental Svcs Custodial Worker $ 25,376.00 $ 12.20
Wood, Joshua Kevin Eli Arts and Sciences History Lecturer $ 31,430.76 $ 12.98
Wood, Joshua Kevin Eli Mansfield Campus Mansfield Campus Lecturer $ 27,000.00 $ 12.98
Wood, Julie Ann OSU Medical Center University Hospitals East Patient Revenue Cycle Spclst $ 36,108.80 $ 17.36
Wood, Kelly OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Radio Dispatcher 1 $ 33,633.60 $ 16.17
Wood, Kelsie Dawn OSU Medical Center Gowdy Fields Surgical Technologist $ 44,782.40 $ 21.53
Wood, Linda Kay OSU Medical Center Ross Heart Hospital Staff Nurse-B $ 93,600.00 $ 45.00
Wood, Mark Lindsey Athletics Athletics Recreation Facility Attendant $ 17,784.00 $ 9.37
Wood, Mark Lindsey Senior VP-Executive Officer Schottenstein Hourly Special Events Assistant 1 $ 17,784.00 $ 8.55
Wood, Michelle Marie OSU Medical Center Specialty Care Network Medical Records Coding Spclst $ 54,142.40 $ 26.03
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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