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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Ober, Jillian Leigh Ofc of Health Sciences Nisonger Center Program Manager $ 61,956.60 $ 29.79
Ober, Leslie Charles Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OSUE County Operations OSUE Program Assistant 2 $ 48,276.80 $ 23.21
Oberdick, John David College of Medicine SBS-Neuroscience Associate Professor $ 96,539.40 $ 46.41
Oberdorfer, Christian College of Engineering Materials Sci Engineering Post Doctoral Researcher $ 48,006.40 $ 23.08
Oberle, Edward College of Medicine Pediatrics Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 26,738.16 $ 12.85
Oberly, Graham Colin Senior VP-Executive Officer Fawcett Center for Tomorrow Program Coordinator $ 55,000.08 $ 26.44
Oberly, Tonni Danielle Ofc of Health Sciences Health Sciences Admin RU Project Manager $ 55,000.08 $ 26.44
Oberman, Polly Ann OSU Medical Center University Hospitals WMC-Resource Planning Analyst $ 55,536.00 $ 26.70
Oberstadt, Kayla A Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OSUE - HHHH Program Manager $ 52,092.96 $ 25.04
Oberyszyn, Tatiana Maria College of Medicine Pathology Professor $ 151,514.28 $ 72.84
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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