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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Mueller, Andrew G. Mansfield Campus Mansfield Campus Laboratory Supervisor $ 68,651.88 $ 33.01
Mueller, Anthony M OSU Medical Center Shared Services Security Officer $ 32,281.60 $ 15.52
Mueller, Casey Marie OSU Medical Center Specialty Care Network Clinical Nurse Anesthetist $ 145,017.60 $ 69.72
Mueller, Hal OSU Medical Center Shared Services Admin-Financial Services $ 356,000.04 $ 171.15
Mueller, John Arts and Sciences The Mershon Center Senior Research Scientist $ 50,628.00 $ 24.34
Mueller, Julianne OSU Medical Center Ross Heart Hospital Staff Nurse-B $ 93,600.00 $ 45.00
Mueller, Katie Marie OSU Medical Center Shared Services Office Assistant $ 38,584.00 $ 18.55
Mueller, Kimberly Marie OSU Medical Center Ross Heart Hospital Staff Nurse-B $ 61,568.00 $ 29.60
Mueller, Kurt Ronald Arts and Sciences Arts & Sciences Administration Systems Developer/Engineer $ 64,488.00 $ 31.00
Mueller, Kyle Matthew OSU Medical Center Gahanna Ambulatory WMC-Physician Assistant $ 94,236.00 $ 45.31
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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