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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Mehta, Bella H College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy Professor-Clinical $ 138,857.76 $ 66.76
Mehta, Divyesh College of Medicine Emergency Medicine Clinical Inst HS $ 55,305.96 $ 26.59
Mehta, Kamal D. College of Medicine SBS-Biolog Chem & Pharmacology Professor $ 119,875.80 $ 57.63
Mehta, Laxmi S College of Medicine Internal Medicine Professor-Clinical $ 62,213.04 $ 136.60
Mehta, Laxmi S Health Sciences FGP FGP-Internal Medicine Physician $ 284,119.92 $ 136.60
Mehta, Mike Nikhil College of Medicine Psychiatry Clinical Inst HS $ 53,592.00 $ 25.77
Mehta, Milap Praful College of Medicine Emergency Medicine Clinical Inst HS $ 53,592.00 $ 25.77
Mehta, Rittal Ofc of Health Sciences Comprehensive Cancer Center RU Senior Consulting Rsrch Statn $ 65,000.04 $ 31.25
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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