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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Kapoor, Ajit Kumar Office of Academic Affairs OCIO Operations SR Systms Dev/Eng-Not Sap $ 87,024.00 $ 41.84
Kapoor, Amit College of Medicine Pediatrics Associate Professor $ 37,184.76 $ 17.88
Kapoor, Ritu College of Medicine Anesthesiology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 10,000.08 $ 60.10
Kapoor, Ritu Health Sciences FGP FGP-Anesthesiology Physician $ 125,000.04 $ 60.10
Kapoor, Sarita OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Cook 1 $ 35,838.40 $ 17.23
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Magill, Kyle David Supply Coordinator Student life
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