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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Jayne, Laura Abigail College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 34,008.00 $ 16.35
Jaynes, Florinda College of Veterinary Med Veterinary Biosciences Clinical Lab Svcs Technologist $ 68,369.60 $ 32.87
Jaynes, Jeffrey Jay Athletics Athletics Special Events Assistant 1 $ 17,784.00 $ 8.55
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Cauchi, Senior Flight Instructor Cancer Hosp
Firsdon, Compensation Analyst Service Center Administration
Meves, Diane Renee Senior Vice President OR - IT
Li, Shulan Graphic Illustrator Research Administration
Jenkins, David Research Associate 1-B/H Shared Services
Zoungrana, Systems Analyst 2 Plastic Surgery
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