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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Crall, Amanda Marlene Coll of Education & Human Ecol EHE Department Administration Student Services Manager $ 58,068.00 $ 27.92
Crall, Brittany Melinda Ofc of Student Life Student Leadership Initiatives Business Manager 2 $ 80,000.04 $ 38.46
Crall, Elizabeth Anne OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Staff Nurse-B $ 78,041.60 $ 37.52
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Serafin, Nursing-A4 Restorative/Prosthetic Dentist
Kendall, Holli A Senior Research Associate-B/H Ross Heart Hospital
Matson, Physician Extender-ATC SBS-Cancer Biology
Dungan, Imaging Manager Specialty Care Network
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