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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Cochran, Allen Michael Athletics Athletics Special Events Assistant 1 $ 17,784.00 $ 8.55
Cochran, Amalia College of Medicine Surgery Professor $ 54,000.00 $ 147.12
Cochran, Amalia Health Sciences FGP FGP-Surgery Physician $ 306,000.00 $ 147.12
Cochran, Benjamin R Senior VP Admin & Planning Special Duty Auxiliary Law Enforcement Ofcr $ 96,720.00 $ 46.50
Cochran, Bradley M Ofc of Student Life Dining Services Assistant Chef $ 34,008.00 $ 16.35
Cochran, Christin Lynn Ofc of Student Life Dining Services Line Cook $ 36,628.80 $ 17.61
Cochran, Christopher Woodrow OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Staff Nurse-B $ 53,726.40 $ 25.83
Cochran, Clarence G Athletics Athletics Special Events Assistant 1 $ 22,776.00 $ 10.95
Cochran, Eric Rogan OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Radiation Physicist $ 164,904.00 $ 79.28
Cochran, Gordon M Athletics Athletics Special Events Assistant 1 $ 17,784.00 $ 8.55
Cochran, Graham Ralph Coll of Food Agr Envir Science CFAES VP Operating Associate Dean $ 187,024.92 $ 89.92
Cochran, Irene Senior VP-Executive Officer Schottenstein Hourly Special Events Assistant 2 $ 21,840.00 $ 10.50
Cochran, Joseph M Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OARDC Secrest Arboretum Program Manager $ 60,959.40 $ 29.31
Cochran, Kali Nicole OSU Medical Center University Hospitals Staff Nurse-B $ 53,726.40 $ 25.83
Cochran, Katherine Elise OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Staff Nurse-B $ 54,828.80 $ 26.36
Cochran, Miranda Leesette OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Patient Care Associate $ 26,353.60 $ 12.67
Cochran, Natalie OSU Medical Center Harding Hospital Patient Revenue Cycle Spclst $ 35,796.80 $ 17.21
Cochran, Nicole D Arts and Sciences Psychology Administrative Manager $ 102,996.00 $ 49.52
Cochran, Ralph Edward Office of Academic Affairs Office - Diversity & Inclusion Program Coordinator $ 44,116.80 $ 21.21
Cochran, Stacy S Coll of Food Agr Envir Science OSU Extension Administration Assistant Editor $ 41,142.40 $ 19.78
Cochran, Velva Renee OSU Medical Center Shared Services Systems Specialist-A&P $ 51,022.40 $ 24.53
Cochran-Houston, Jeanea D. College of Social Work Social Work Lecturer $ 26,076.00 $ 12.54
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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