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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Cheng, Chin-Min College of Engineering Civil Envir & Geod Eng Senior Research Assoc-Engineer $ 77,988.00 $ 37.49
Cheng, Chunming Ofc of Health Sciences Comprehensive Cancer Center RU Senior Research Associate-B/H $ 56,000.04 $ 26.92
Cheng, James Arts and Sciences Arts & Sciences Administration SR Systms Dev/Eng-Not Sap $ 83,136.00 $ 39.97
Cheng, Lijun College of Medicine SBS-Biomedical Informatics Assistant Professor $ 119,925.00 $ 57.66
Cheng, Nerissa K OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Patient Care Coordinator $ 102,689.60 $ 49.37
Cheng, Peng College of Engineering Mechanical & Aerospace Engr Research Associate 1-Engineer $ 65,112.00 $ 31.30
Cheng, Xiang Ofc of Health Sciences Comprehensive Cancer Center RU Post Doctoral Researcher $ 42,161.60 $ 20.27
Cheng, Xiaolin College of Pharmacy College of Pharmacy Associate Professor $ 160,925.16 $ 77.37
Cheng, Zhuo College of Engineering Chemical & Biomolecular Eng Research Associate 1-Engineer $ 54,198.72 $ 26.06
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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