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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Bath, Matthew Patrick Office of Academic Affairs UNITS RU Telecomm Analyst/Technician $ 72,196.80 $ 34.71
Bath, Michelle OSU Medical Center Cancer Hosp & Research Instit Internal Resource Pool-Allied $ 85,280.00 $ 41.00
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Jones, Christy Dorna Vice Pres Ag Admin and Dean OSUE-Plant Pathology
De Villiers, Allison Ann Vice Pres Student Health Services
Ervin, Marilyn R Vice Pres Ag Admin and Dean Student Health Insurance
Malott, Ryan T Director-Facilities Services Student Health Insurance
Narry, Assistant Professor-Clinical Center for RNA Biology
Wihl, Courier-Office Of The Pres Student Health Insurance
Coleman, Allison Manager-University Residence Student Financial Aid

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