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Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Carter, Theresa Lynn Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employee & Labor Rel Consultnt $ 71,230.56 $ 34.25
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Czaplinski, Lane F Career Counselor/Res Coord Plastic Surgery
Orr, Danielle Asst Dir-Hosp Nutrition Servic ACEL
Johnson, Sharon Eyvonne Staff Nurse-A Cancer Hosp
Landon, Superintendent-Golf Courses Center/Lake Erie Area Research
Czap, Debra Ann WMC-Compliance Analyst Medicine Admin
Crum, Pamela Renee Senior Glassblower OSUE-Community Development
Flansburg-Cruz, Disability Case Manager University Hospitals

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