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2020 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Ramey, Thomas James Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Dir-Employee & Labor Relations $ 261,642.96 $ 0.00
Hoge, Kristi M Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Assoc Dir Labor Relations $ 124,661.40 $ 0.00
Simpson, David A Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Sr Conlt $ 114,246.36 $ 0.00
Gibson, Donald Boyd Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Sr Rep $ 80,098.20 $ 0.00
Cunningham, Christina Nicole Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Consult $ 79,762.92 $ 0.00
Gibbs, Brandon Ross Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Consult $ 79,016.52 $ 0.00
Gaines, Michelle L Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Sr Rep $ 75,304.80 $ 0.00
Carter, Theresa Lynn Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Sr Rep $ 72,940.20 $ 0.00
Tang, Mary Jane Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employ and Labor Rel Sr Rep $ 71,098.56 $ 0.00
Yurt, Courtney Shawn Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Asoc Mger Talent Acquisition $ 54,992.04 $ 0.00
Clarke, Consuela M Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Employee & Labor Rl Specialist $ 0.00 $ 26.00
McCoy, Marilyn J Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Information Associate $ 0.00 $ 22.55
Schell, Abbey Lane Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Talent Acquisition Sr Coord $ 0.00 $ 19.40
Shawver, Kayla Korin Office of Human Resources Empl Rel Strategy & Risk Mgmt Compensation Specialist $ 0.00 $ 23.81
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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Meyer, Urban F Special Testing Coordinator FCOB Finance
Baylis, Purchasing Agent 2 Animal Sciences
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